Some time ago I visited a ‘mid-Acts’ church website, and was surprised to find these words, "Although our beloved pastor was called home recently. He continues to spread the message of grace and the love of God towards us through print, audio and video (And for those that knew him "personal example and application")."
Could anyone show me the VERSE that teaches that the Lord ‘calls people home’?
Furthermore, and even more shocking, was that the event that led to his demise was of his own intention. He committed suicide.
He participated as a leader in their youth camps. What kind of "personal example and application" did his decision to kill himself exhibit to impressionable young people?
Could anyone show me the VERSE that teaches that when a person commits suicide, it can be described as the Lord ‘calling them home’?
How does his congregation think the Lord ‘called him home’? Do they think the Lord sent him a message that it was his time to go home? How do they think God communicated that news? Did an angel deliver it? Did he consult a woman that had a familiar spirit, like King Saul did? Did a prophet from beyond the grave appear to him, like Samuel, to tell him "to morrow thou shalt be with me"? (see 1 Sam 28:7-19)
If so, please e-mail
If not, don’t believe the ‘mid-Acts-ers’.
Instead, trust the word of GOD.
Rom 4:3-a For what saith the scripture?
Furthermore, the congregation acknowledge their (former) pastor as a great teacher and student of the Word of God (KJV Bible). They say you can share and benefit from their pastor’s great understanding and knowledge of Gods word. They extend his hope and theirs that you may learn and understand in greater clarity of the grace of God through Jesus. They extend their appreciation to their (previous) pastor for being the man of God that he became through his own study of God’s word. For teaching them in dispensational understanding that makes their relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ complete.
As for me, I sure don’t want someone who took their own life teaching me (by previously recorded messages) how to live mine. That is warped.
This is David Dowell, saying, "Think about it!"