Tuesday, August 24, 2010

2 Great Installments?

During a recent Sunday Evening Story-Time in 1 Thess 4:16, the ‘teaching elder’ of Illinois made a lengthy issue of the 2nd coming of Christ. He said, ‘When we talk about the 2nd coming, it has several installments to it. There is an interval between His coming in 1 Thess 4 and Rev 19. That’s different. The expression “the coming of the Lord” tells you there’s a series of events involved .... So the word “coming” implies a series .... the 2nd coming of Christ -- Just the terminology we use means we’re thinking about a period of time -- There’s some installments involved in it. 2 great installments.’

Could anyone show me the VERSE that teaches
2 great installments at the 2nd coming of Christ?

If so, please e-mail magnifiedword@aol.com.
If not, don’t believe the ‘mid-Acts-ers’.
Instead, trust the word of GOD.

The ‘teaching elder’ is now trying to classify ‘the rapture’ as part of the 2nd coming. So, now, according to him ....
the rapture is the 2nd coming’s 1st great installment ....
the 2nd coming is the 2nd coming’s 2nd great installment?!
He keeps getting more absurd!

Rom 4:3-a For what saith the scripture?

This is David Dowell, saying, “Think about it!”