Sunday, February 6, 2011

Can Jesus Ever STAND Up?

‘Mid-Acts-ers’ teach that Jesus stood up at the stoning of Stephen (Acts 7:55) to return in judgment to make His enemies His footstool (Psa 110:1; Matt 22:44; Mark 12:36; Luke 20:42-43; Heb 1:13, 10:12-13).  But then they say that He sat back down because, instead of coming in wrath (Matt 3:7, Luke 3:7), He ushered in the dispensation of grace and the body of Christ with Paul, which-they-say-began in ‘mid-Acts’ (that is, the ‘middle’ of the book of Acts which has 28 chapters, but specifically, in chapter 9 when Saul was saved, blinded, commissioned, healed, and water baptized). 

At the time years ago, when the phrase ‘mid-Acts’ was coined, the Cunning Royal Jester was ‘allowing/accepting’ a few preachers (actually, one preacher, in particular) to believe that the dispensation of grace and the body of Christ (thought-by-them-to-be only PAUL’s converts) began in Acts 13 (hence, they called themselves ‘mid’ Acts), since Acts chapter 13 was where Paul was ‘sent out’ (Acts 13:1-3), and his name was changed from Saul to Paul (Acts 13:9), and he blinded a Jew (Acts 13:6-11), and he preached the grace of God (Acts 13:43).  Many times I have heard the CRJ say that a man who gets the beginning of the dispensation of grace and the body of Christ wrong, will also get the ending wrong, thereby excusing the preacher who had problems with the CRJ’s teaching on the ‘pre-tribulation’ rapture.  After years of trying to persuade the Acts 13 preacher to be with all the Acts 9-ers (to no avail), he was cut off from preaching at Acts 9-ers’ conferences.  Since the Cunning Royal Jester and his Jokers had publicized the term ‘mid-Acts’ so often, even though they were then unified as solely Acts 9, they kept the ‘mid-Acts’ tag to distinctively identify their position of when they believe the dispensation of grace and the body of Christ began, thus distinguishing them from ‘Acts 2’ and ‘Acts 28’ dividers.

Back to the subject of this article in the first paragraph .... could someone show me the verse that shows WHY Stephen saw Jesus STANDING?  Maybe He was welcoming His faithful saint home!
If so, email

Or could someone show me the verse that shows if Jesus was still STANDING when He spoke to Saul on the road to Damacus (Acts 9:3-8) .... or was He SEATED again by then?
If so, email

Furthermore, could someone show me the verse that shows if Jesus has to REMAIN SEATED on His throne .... NEVER to STAND for nearly 2,000 years or more .... UNTIL He returns in the day of Christ (2 Thess 2:1-2) to bring resurrection and glory to His saints, and judgment, vengenance, and wrath to His enemies (2 Thess 1:4-10)?
If so, email

This is David Dowell saying, “Think about it!”